Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Response to Yulsi : Note based on Manjali dan Cakrabirawa (Ayu Utami, 2010)

Recently, I've been tagged in a note by my friend, Yulsi..
About a Novel by Ayu Utami. Actually I haven't read the novel yet. From this note, even just a glimpse sight of it, I know at least it told about "what's happed in this country". Ayu try to tell us about our society condition....
"Di Eropa, modernitas tidak bisa dipisahkan dari demokrasi. Di sana modernitas lahir bersama semangat demokrasi. Karena itu, modernitas datang bersama pengakuan atas hak asasi manusia. Tapi di sini? Modernitas berarti teknologi modern saja. Listrik, telepon, mobil, termasuk tank dan persenjataan militer –yang malah dipakai melanggar hak asasi manusia. Nilai-nilai yang dulu melahirkan modernitas justru tidak diadopsi. Kenapa? Karena bangsa ini cuma konsumen. Ini bangsa konsumtif, bukan bangsa produktif. Orang-orang Indonesia sekarang cuma senang mengkonsumsi hal-hal permukaan. Lihat betapa maruknya orang Indonesia membeli produk asing! Lihat bagaimana retail Prancis Carrefour merajalela dan mematikan pasar tradisional."
Even explicitly, she said that this condition is tied up tightly with our "disease" now--> Consumerism. It made us became just a follower, when we imported an ideas or a product from abroad, we don't also bring it philosophical's value. We just used it, not yet tried to find deeper about what is it (?), why we use it (?) etc... So, the impact is we loose ourselves. Local wisdom, slowly but sure disappeared. Norms, whom yesterday was held and respected by people, now became (just) a ritual. Decreasing the meaning...Guys, we had our priceless heritage... Let's dig it up.. :)


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